
tnetwork.DCD.rollingCPM(dynNetSN: tnetwork.dyn_graph.dyn_graph_sn.DynGraphSN, k=3, elapsed_time=False)[source]

This method is based on Palla et al[1]. It first computes overlapping snapshot_communities in each snapshot based on the clique percolation algorithm, and then match snapshot_communities in successive steps using a method based on the union graph.

[1] Palla, G., Barabási, A. L., & Vicsek, T. (2007). Quantifying social group evolution. Nature, 446(7136), 664.

  • dynNetSN – a dynamic network (DynGraphSN)
  • k – the size of cliques used as snapshot_communities building blocks
  • elapsed_time – if True, will return a tuple (communities,time_elapsed)
