
Functions to read, write and load dynamic graphs.

Simple example

import tnetwork as tn
sn = tn.read_snapshots("file_to_Read")

Load example graphs

A few dynamic graphs are already included in the library and can be loaded in one command in the chosen format

graph_socioPatterns2012([format]) Function that return the graph of interactions between students in 2012, from the SocioPatterns project.
graph_socioPatterns_Hospital([format]) Function that return the graph of interactions in the hospital of Lyon between patients and medical staff, from the SocioPatterns project.
graph_socioPatterns_Primary_School([format]) Function that return the graph of interactions between children and teachers, from the SocioPatterns project.
graph_GOT() Return Game of Thrones temporal network

Read/Write graphs

Read/Write Generic

read_interactions(file[, frequency, format, …]) Read link stream data
from_pandas_interaction_list(interactions, …)

Read/Write snapshot graphs

read_interactions(file[, frequency, format, …]) Read link stream data
read_snapshots(inputDir[, format, …]) Read as one file per snapshot
write_snapshots(dynGraph, outputDir, format) Write one file per snapshot

Read/Write interval graphs

read_interactions(file[, frequency, format, …]) Read link stream data
read_period_lists(file_address) Read as list of periods
write_as_IG(graph, filename) Write a corresponding json file
write_period_lists(theDynGraph, fileOutput) Write as list of periods
write_ordered_changes(dynNet, fileOutput[, …]) Write as list of successive changes

Read/Write Communities

Read/Write snapshot snapshot_affiliations

write_com_SN(dyn_communities, output_dir[, …]) Write directory, 1 file = snapshot_affiliations of a snaphshot
read_SN_by_com(inputDir[, sn_id_transformer]) Read directory, 1 file = snapshot_affiliations of a snaphshot

Read/Write interval graph snapshot_affiliations

write_IGC(dyn_communities, outputFile[, …]) Write snapshot_affiliations as interval lists